Who else uses work breaks as 'refueling' time lol

Got busted at my workplace once. I went into the bathroom to take a shot. Well I didn't bring water with me so I was using sink water. Only this bathroom had the annoying multi-stream sinks. I filled up just fine and got my shot in with no problem. It was when I was fiddling around with the impossible task of flushing out the rig as the big boss walked in. It was one of those multi person bathrooms. I was at an all time low and didn't really give a F and knew that was always a possibility. I shoved everything in my pockets as fast as I could and walked out. I was fired within 10 minutes. For about 9 minutes I was thinking "cool I got away with it". Had a similar situation at an other job when someone came into the bathroom while I was using the stall. They were very suspicious and knew that inside of the stall something not kosher was going down.

/r/opiates Thread