Who has fallen for one of the dumbest media stories of the year?

Remember Kyle Rittenhouse?

Remember BLM being accused of being a legitimate charity and the reactions of people not bending over backwards to support it?

Liberals don't have a foot to stand on.

They might have overwhelming control of a media machine that plays defense on-demand for them, sure.

But they 1000% have no foot to stand-on.

They can paint the perpetrator as whatever they'd like, just realize it's hilarious to take a mentally-ill nudist activist who has a hard drug problem, lives in a storage container, has an on-again-off-again relationship with thinking he's Jesus and is registered for the Green Party, and somehow try and depict him as an "AvErAge ConServAtIvE".

But then again, apparently these days anyone who doesn't agree with Democrats is a fAsCiSt threat to the continued existence of the country and should be treated as such.

If anything, this is an example of SF having a comically out-of-control homelessness and crime problem, not that somewhere who literally looked at the leftist son of literal left-wing terrorists and somehow concluded "hmm that's who we want as DA!" is actually going to be interested in doing anything effective about it.

/r/AskConservatives Thread