Look who I found watching Freddy vs. Jason.

This is my cue to be eat my words, I guess.

Quite some years ago, DarkUFO had a poll, asking who do we think would come back for a revival from the main cast.

I said Evie, because she'll need the work the most...

I was obviously extremely wrong, and I don't even understand why. I was one of those people who were always harping on her acting, which was, I know now, totally unreasonable.

I guess I was kinda young back then, and therefore fucking stupid, with an undeveloped taste? I don't know. The point is that I fucking love her, and even had a (very mild) nightmare about TPTB writing her off after that episode where she got shot while boarding the submarine. :D

tl; dr: I expected her to disappear after the show, and now she (THANK GOD) is basically just rubbing in how stupid I was.

/r/lost Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com