Who is the GOAT stand up comedian?

You think one super successful person in your industry can't influence your career?

This is an unsustainable narrative. You're effectively saying nobody famous in their field can ever get consent from anyone with lesser or no fame in the same (or related) fields.

Actually it goes further than that, it assumes anyone of any level of fame or notoriety has power over someone without fame or notoriety and thus cannot be given consent.


That simply doesn't work. You cannot create situations where no consent can be given. Not only is it completely impractical and basically saying "everyone of fame or notoriety should basically just stop having sex because any sex, even non-touching sexual acts, can be considered akin to rape" but it also initializes everyone else who doesn't have fame and notoriety.


Brass tacks: You need to provide a viable roadmap to where consent can be given unless the other person has done something malicious. Any situation where consent cannot be given without any malicious behavior on the famous person's part is total bullshit and is basically just entrapment.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent