So...who here has been to jail or prison in UAE?

my dad did. we were doing a visa run, me, him and my little sister and he got stopped at the border at oman. he was in a LOT of debt at the time, and he had a police case raised against him. they were nice about it though. they found a taxi to take me and my sister over the border and back to dubai, and they kept my dad at the station.

he was in jail for a weekend, got in on thursday, out on sunday afternoon. he said it was scary, but they were chill. they let him smoke at the station and kept offering him cigarettes. they called him 'sir' and 'english' and were really friendly. even so, he hated it. it upset him seeing the indians and pakitanis treated so much worse than he was.

he stayed there until sunday, then on that day he and five others went to court together. they were shackled in a room, with people being called out for court. they called his name, told him to pay 2000dhs fine, and that was it, he got to leave.

he hated it, said it was quite scary even though he was treated well. good food too he said.

/r/dubai Thread