Who here has a great relationship with their parents and family?

I'm very disconnected from my entire family. I don't hate them by no means; I simply view them as people who I don't really have a connection with.

I live with my brother, my mother, who 4 years ago suffered a stroke she still hasn't fully recovered from, and likely never will at this point, and her boyfriend whom I've scarcely talked with in more than 5 years. He leaves for work early in the morning and comes home in the evening so I barely see him anyways. My parents are divorced and I don't see my father that often, and when I do I barely talk, as my brother, who is much more outgoing than me is usually also present, so I just kind of stand there, waiting to return home.

The relative who I'm most close to is my brother, but we don't have that great of a relationship. He's also the only person I've expressed my antinatalist views to, but I haven't managed to make him consider them seriously even though I offered valuable arguments which he wasn't able to counter.

So yeah, my relations with my family is basically shite.

/r/antinatalism Thread