Who here is optimistic for a cure?

I think the "cure" will happen in three phases.

First, a better topical or oral medication that's more effective than fin/minox and produces fewer side effects. Still not a cure but will buy men an extra decade or two and be easier to tolerate.

Second, hair cloning. Essentially a "cure" but extremely expensive. So a cueball NW7 could theoretically get back to a full head of hair, but it would require about three or four surgeries with plenty of time in between for the scalp to recover and to accept all of the implanted grafts. Imagine a hair transplant if a doctor had a donor supply of 50,000 grafts to work with instead of 5,000 to 8,000 in the average patient. Now imagine the cost (likely $100,000+).

Finally, the real cure will come via gene editing. Much, much easier to just turn off the MPB gene than trying to treat it systemically via anti-androgens.

/r/tressless Thread