Who in history turned out to be right after they died, but were called crazy while they were alive?

I know, right? I once said 'mental patients' and got myself a right scolding. Apparently anyone troubled with mental health issues receiving support is called service users (as in the hospital service?) but I think that's fucking a BS. It's just a way to excuse something you've got to work on, I was sectioned and I always said that euphemism is bullshit. People should face up to mental illness and say mentally ill or crank or mental patient or whatever. Saying 'service user' is just a catch all phrase for being lazy af and not admitting you have a problem you get drug users using it too and as a former user that annoys me to hell too, it's like a 'feel sorry for me' badge and I hate that shit. Yes we're troubled but admit your issues and work on them

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