Who is Jesus?

I think there are some Christians who might have an extreme mindset like that, but in my experience they are the vast minority.

Don't know what church you go to. Maybe it's a regional thing? In the upper midwest churches, the vast majority are ironically hateful and close-minded people and I can say that with absolute confidence.

They see Black Lives Matter as a god-less, sinful, and satanist movement. Many clutch their purses or fists whenever they see a black person. Many think that women who get abortions should be charged with murder (which is funny, because many of them have gotten abortions themselves). Many dismiss women's sexual assault claims because "they dress like sluts and probably asked for it" and it's never the man's fault. Vast majority don't support ANY romantic interactions (kissing, hugging, sex. Especially sex) out of wedlock. Many think that a woman's sole duties are bearing children and being the housekeeper (does all of the cleaning, cooking, etc.) and that the man is the worker/breadwinner.

I vehemently believe that they the vast minority don't hold those beliefs and that it is in fact the majority. I also believe that at least 70-80% of them are Republican based solely on their abortion stance (they are pretty passionate about that topic).

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