Who is Kethor and why is he bound by golden chains in a deep cavern?"

Kethor the Devourer was a great and mighty beast that wrought havoc on the lands. Standing 50 feet tall and covered in razor sharp spines, the earth trembled when he approached. All knew to take hide and cover when they heard the inhuman roar of Kethor.

He was a hungry, insatiable beast, devouring everything remotely edible- crops, livestock, even people were forced down his gullet. Many villages were decimated, and the survivors left to starve.

Desperate, the people beseeched the great King Aesik, who was moved by their plight. He called a council to determine the best course of action. His oldest son, the crown prince and leader of the Elite Guard stood and said "My knights are the best in the land, they will strike him down. Send us and we shall surely vanquish the beast."

The King agreed and sent him off to fight. 7 days later, a messenger returned with word that the entire party had been destroyed and eaten. Fill with rage and grief, he called council once again. "Who among you can avenge the crown prince?"

The King's second son, leader of the recon forces, stood. "I can, father. My rangers are the best in the land. They shall strike from afar. Send us and we shall surely vanquish the beast."

Wary, but with few other options, the King reluctantly sent his second son into battle. 7 days later, a messenger returned with word that the entire party had been destroyed and eaten. Grief stricken, he called council again. "Who can defeat this beast now?" He lamented.

The King's youngest and last son stood. "I... I think I can, father. I have a plan, we can-"

"Absolutely not. You are the last heir to the throne. You lead no soldiers and have no experience. I forbid you from going."

But the prince was determined. Unbeknownst to his father, he commissioned mighty chains made of dwarvish gold, and had them further enchanted by the Arch Mages of the Guild to make them light yet strong.

One night, he snuck out from the palace with his chain and a few of the most loyal guards. He went through the city and bought all the food and wine he could find. He then visited the apothecaries and bought all the sleeping draughts he could find.

With this caravan of supplies, he tracked down Kethor and arrived in the next village before him. He laced the food and drink with the sleeping draughts and laid it all out- a vast banquet in the center of town. Then everyone hid and watched.

The earth shuddered with each step of the massive beast. An unearthly roar filled the air, followed by the sounds of a hut being crushed. The beast was here. He glanced around, wondering where the scared villagers were, before seeing the feast laid out before him. Without a second thought, he began to gorge himself on the food.

By the time he was done, it was evident that the wine and sleeping draughts were taking effect. Sluggish, he stood and stumbled. In a few more minutes, the monster was asleep.

The prince and his men leapt into action, binding him with the golden chains. Safely subdued, they tried to execute him, but found that none of their weapons could penetrate Kethor's hide. Thinking quickly, they heaved him on top of their carts and moved the beast into a deep cavern underground where they bound him and the chains to the ancient walls.

Thus, the beast was sealed away. Every so often, when he is particularly mad, he roars and stomps and struggles against chains, causing the earth to shake and tremble. This is what we call Kethor's Vengence.

/r/Worldprompts Thread