Who is Lil' Peep? And why is his death so important?

Its pretty ignorant to say natural selection took care of him. I mean you could apply the same thing to you or rather your bloodline... since with an attitude like that you wont be getting any ass anytime soon let alone a wife and kids lol. But seriously, "Good riddance"- that's pretty harsh buddy.

But yeah I don't really care about the guy in specific, I can't because I don't know shit about him. Just the fact that 21 is so young and he had many years of life left to live which I always find sad. Maybe he made some poor decisions in his youth but 5 or 10 years down the road he could have learned from that.

5 years is like a lifetime at that age. I'm 28 and I'm still a grown ass kid; certainly at 21 years old I knew exactly jack shit about the world and was a completely different person. Not that I pretend to know anything fully now either.

All I was saying is it's sad because at 21 you've barely even had a chance at life yet.

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