Who is more evil: rich people or poor people?

Rich people, through experience, learn to say no by default to any request. Saying NO is a key component of money management skills. They will work more often only with people who show promise or already have resources and who aren't a threat to their own. A history of screwing over people tends to keep rich people from working with you.

Poor people tend to work with anyone who comes along for mutual benefit. They usually don't have much to give. In the poorest cultures it is common to expend all resources for a single giant meal for guests. Typically savings among the poor are spent on the next handful of events without concern for far future events. A history of screwing over people tends to keep poor people from working with you.

The group that is most evil? It cannot be broken down that easily. Often times the poor will accuse the rich of keeping everything to themselves, while the rich will accuse the poor of trying to steal what they worked for. Too many poor leads to the death of the rich, a short period of not-really-distributed resources, and long term misery interspersed with famine and death. Most collectivist societies (Communism, Socialism, etc) argue they can efficiently distribute these resources without the famine and death part. History has shown, over and over, that it never happens. Death and misery is the result.

Too many rich people (without a middle class) can lead to a feudalist or a landowner/tenant farmer (effectively a prison) society.

The best case scenario is where a majority of the people are in the middle (not too rich, not too poor) with a generally free, generally capitalistic market. In those scenarios you can effectively ignore the outliers (top and bottom 0.01%) on the bell curve. That should indirectly answer your question.

To more directly answer your original question: It depends on the person. George Soros (Billionaire) sold out his fellow Jews, and Nigerians (very poor) kidnapped and sold the majority of African slaves.

Now that I've pissed everybody off, here's some suggested reading. The richest man in Babylon http://www.ccsales.com/the_richest_man_in_babylon.pdf Rich Dad, Poor Dad The history of the slave trade http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/41431 Milton Friedman on economics http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/bios/Friedman.html And a Wiki link so tards can attack my credibility. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_Friedman

Source: Was poor, got rich, traveled the world, back to poor.

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