Who is the new candidate for Plano Mayor?

This is a very big surprise. Quite a surprise.

According to this report below, Mr. Anthony Ricciardelli's $17,000 in outstanding loans is almost 7 times that of Al Valente and double that of the other candidate​.

We received a document in the mail the other day reporting that Mr. Anthony Ricciardelli had to pay his late taxes before they would allow him to run in this election. That's just outrageous.

Mr. Anthony Ricciardelli does not seem that great to me for someone who calls himself a fiscal conservative and yet was late on paying his taxes and has run up all this debt to try and get himself elected as a fiscal conservative here in Plano. To me it seems he has trouble properly managing his money and paying his tax bills on time.

I don't like that one bit. Not one bit. Now every time I see one of those giant expensive Ricciardelli signs he's got plastered all over the place, I just grit my teeth.

He will most definitely not get my vote. I appreciate those that run for and hold public office but I expect more than that from a candidate for Plano city council.


Campaign finance reporting for Place 2 through April 26, 2017

Outstanding Loans:

Alfonso Valente $2,500.00

Anthony Ricciardelli $17,000.00

/r/plano Thread