Who remembers the old days when Revs was called Revolting?

It was, and still is, called that by people who didn't/don't fit in there. 9 out of 10 times this is their own fault. Often this is due to their unfounded disdain towards people who use any illegal substances, even though these same people tend to be regular abusers of alcohol which is IMO worse than most drugs. The relaxed nature of (most) of the patrons; the genuine friendliness of randoms in the smokers area; and the original music being played by DJs who do more than mix one popular song into another, make it an uncomfortable experience to someone who goes out to get drunk, annoy people with stupid antics, and creep on anyone they find attractive. To the people who refer to revs as revolting and haven't given it a go - try it, but with an open mind. To those who've tried it and still think it's revolting - you're probably the revolting one, we'd all rather you didn't go there thanks.

/r/melbourne Thread