Who was the scariest person you've ever met?


Doug was a friend of an acquaintance. He came from an old money family (think Rockefellers or similar), and he had a trust fund and a custom-built mansion. He didn’t need to work, but he started a career as a pastor.

His church was cultish — it was highly misogynistic and required women to wear skirts and serve their husbands in all things. Some parents would marry off their girls at 16 or 17 — creepy, but legal in my state with parental approval.

He then got involved in a MLM company and started bringing his parishioners into his downline. He made the “super-double elite ruby” rank, which apparently means you’ve sold at least a million dollars in product. Keep in mind, Doug’s trust fund had him set for life, and he didn’t need money. He was just greedy.

The last straw was when my 17-year-old acquaintance, who attended his church, got pressured into a semi-arranged marriage with a fundamentalist Christian guy from out of state. As soon as she turned 18, Doug signed her to his downline. Instead of seeing a vulnerable girl being pressured into a literal child marriage, he saw dollar signs.

There’s something scary about that level of greed and sociopathy.

/r/AskReddit Thread