Who Snooped?

I think this is my first comment on this subreddit after joining, been trying to work up the courage to talk about stuff I guess. But I snooped.

She had met a friend at her job and started talking to him, which I didn't like but tolerated. They would text and it didn't really bother me until she was texting him more than really talking to me. I brought it up, we fought and she said she'd stop. She didn't and wound up messaging him again with the promise that it was just friendly and there was no attraction. Skip forward and she admits to hanging out in his car for a bit after work and he had kissed her and she needed to tell me because she felt guilty that she let it happen. Almost broke us up but I loved her and decided to work things through. Thought it was all fine and a few months pass and I noticed she was texting a girl friend from work.

She doesn't have girl friends at work and mainly has guy friends, she hates girls. She has never mentioned this girl except in passing. She fell asleep and left her phone next to me and I couldn't shake the feeling away and snooped. The girls number was saved under a false name and it was his number. I had gotten it from her when everything blew up before and the numbers matched. That was D-day.

My view on snooping is this: if you don't have anything to hide then it shouldn't matter. I've gladly given her my phone to go through if she wants or needs to use it for anything and doesn't have hers nearby. She was guilty and snooping gave me the evidence I needed to bring everything to light. She doesn't like that I did it but I don't care because she was cheating on me, simple as that. You just have to know the consequences of either being caught and finding nothing, or finding exactly what you were hoping not to find.

/r/survivinginfidelity Thread