Who was the worst guest that stayed at your house?

Not so bad, but I'm young and don't have my own place so it's been the worse so far. After coming home to visit from college, my boyfriend's roommate's girlfriend decided to come with since I live in a big city she hasn't been before. I basically lived at that apt in college and eventually it was the same for her. She was one of those girls who was incredibly fun to go out with. She was wild and made bad decisions but they usually worked out in the end lol. I thought, "what harm could she possibly do?"

I had to go to a bridal shower on Sunday and convinced my mom to talk to my aunt and let my friend come to the party as well. NBD,just add another chair and a plate. Cool. On Friday we go out with my home friends. She is belligerent as always but it was a good time. I guess I decided to forget that after a night of drinking, she fuckinf lounges to the next level. On Saturday, she doesn't get up all day. We watch movies and shows which is great, but I don't even think she gets up to go pee. Saturday we go out again. She is belligerent. Sunday morning comes and she is out cold. After nudging her harder than I'd have liked, she kind of moves, mumble, and just turns over. It's a list fucking cause and I need to get ready for this shower. I'm hungover as fuck.

Get to the shower, my aunt and family are FURIOUS that she didn't show (they're Italian and events are fucking sacred to them) saying "WE PUT OUT A CHAIR FOR HER!!" Like ok she's not coming, chill. That's basically the end of the story besides me having to get up every so often to puke in the bathroom.

I come home, she's passed out still in the same spot. I guess it could have been worse if she has actually come with

/r/AskReddit Thread