Who is the worst person you have been forced to work or hang out with?

OH OH STORY TIME! When I was in grade 8, I was in a "special" class. This class had six kids in it, one stood out in particular. Let's call him Crazy. So I was getting ready to go for lunch this day. And Crazy decides he wants to come with us. Okay, fine. Me, two of my friends and Crazy are walking to McDonalds. We decided to go the "scenic route" witch may or may not have involved hopping two fences. Mind you, I am nowhere near athletic and barley get over the first fence. Crazy, being who he his, goes through a fucking hole in the fence instead. Now this kid weighs about 180 pounds, and not in a good way. We had our fair share of laughs at this. So after we get through the fence, we go into an abandoned building as a shortcut, nothing much. When we got out we were faced with a river. Now, we had been here before and found an abandoned bunker under the water with crabs and shit in it. Me, and two friends go in it for a bit, but crazy has some trouble doing so. He starts almost crying because he got his SpongeBob sweater dirty. He thinks going the hell into this river will clean him. It obviously does not and he instead gets stuck on the other side. To get the fat kid back, we had to go through a fucking dam. Now, we escort crazy out. He for some reason flips shit because "he didn't get his McDonalds" and hit me and my friend the fuck in the face with a large stick. At this point me and my friend are laughing but also in pain. Hence the name Crazy. We then start heading for food. During this trek, I find an old Toshiba laptop next to a dumpster. I pick it up and go back to school, because my friends are dicks and I don't want it get taken. Crazy thinks I'm his friend, I am not. So he grabs the laptop and says "you have one I need this for watching videos on. At this point in time, I had most of a Gateway laptop and needed a spare. I say no, and Crazy picks up a stapler and fucking whips it at the screen. It didn't crack, but started flickering. He then flipped out and destroyed the entire class. Including my iPhone 4.

TL;DR: Fat kid thinks he is my friend, follows us to McDonalds, we go for a trip instead, he gets mad and attempts to kill me and a friend with a stick. When we get back to school he fucking goes hulk mode and ruins EVERYTHING.

/r/AskReddit Thread