Who is the worst person you've ever met?

My Step-Mother got with my Dad when he was still married to my Mom. That wasn't the only reason my parent's marriage failed, but it was a big one. She pushed my Dad into fighting more and more with my Mom, evidently out of jealousy. I, the oldest of three, was in Elementary when all this was going on.

But it doesn't stop there, oh no. She moved in with my Dad, and then proceeded to constantly single me out for criticism and punishment. I still remember times she gave my siblings bags of candy without giving me anything, or times when my siblings fought and she punished me for not intervening.

As a result of my parent's divorce and subsequent fighting (in no small part based around this) my Mom became more and more abusive towards me. I ended up moving in with my Dad, to which my Step-Mother responded by making me do frequent chores and yelling at me if I did anything wrong. She once found out I had a day off school, and she responded by making me do chores. All day long. That was how we also spent Easter there one year: doing chores, all day long.

Well, ok, chores aren't so bad right? But it gets worse. She also used to tell me how I was the worst of my siblings. She would call me a "disgusting creep" and criticize me any chance she got. It got so bad that I became basically afraid to speak around her, and that still is somewhat true to this day.

We've had maybe four bonding moments in the over ten years she's been part of my life. The unbalanced level of damage she's had on my life is unparalleled.

/r/AskReddit Thread