Who is your favourite character and why?

I'm confused - 'making of the show' ? You mean flashbacks to Horsin' Around? I don't think so. I just noticed the word 'wine' cuz BoJack says the word 'Bourbon' so much. I will pay more attention ... next time. I like the idea of drinking more than the reality of it at this point in my life, so I am drawn to drinking comedy but only drink twice a month generally.

I just discovered all this and binge watched all of both seasons New Years Day and the day after, and was just blown away. It not only entertained me but seriously helped me in the "there but for the grace of God go I" type way. I watched it in the company of 2 friends. One of which me and the other person are trying to convince to quit being a junkie after his fiancee OD'd recently. We are all in our 40s and nearly basic failures in life, compared to the rest of the people we know in our 40s. We are throwing in the towel on our junkie friend, we've done all we can.

Sorry to go all feely with a total stranger, but it was quite an experience, one I will never forget, immersed in such good writing during such an emotional pair of days. The only people I can relate to in the world right now are people who have watched every BoJack episode.

I sacrificed plenty of potential relationships by working on the road all the time but only sometimes have my shit together enough to succeed in my career perhaps due to the depression of being single at this age in life, like PC and BoJack in many episodes. PC's little speech to her clients or in the mirror, and her luck in relationships draws me to her character the most, even though I am male. Oh crap, there I go being all feely again. Thank you.

Really the best Television (I Killed My TV a long time ago and rarely watch anything) I have seen since Wonder Showzen.

/r/BoJackHorseman Thread Parent