Who is your Shepard?

I pretty much made my Shepard someone who was very naive and had to learn the hard way that you can't always be nice, even though negotiation is her preferred route. She isn't above doing what needs to be done in extreme situations.

She's very pro-alien. To her a life is a life, much like your Shepard, and she openly defies any order that discriminates against anyone. She even gets along with the Batarians despite seeing the worst they had to offer on Mindoir.

She isn't perfect, she can make some rash decisions in the heat of an emotional moments. At first she wasn't too beat up about Ashley dying after she shot Wrex. Eventually she realized she was just using anger to avoid grief.

I wrote a little bio note for myself if I ever decided to write anything about her:

Sansa Shepard grew up in a small colony on Mindoir, helping her parents run their humble farm until a Batarian attack left her with nothing and no one. After several days of hiding with other survivors, she managed to reach a passing alliance ship. With their direction she along with a small few were rescued. Sansa held little hatred for the Batarians, instead, she preached peace and forgiveness. It wasn't until a few years later when she foiled a major crime syndicate in one of the larger colonies that she was inspired to join the Alliance military, working her way through the N7 program.

Shortly after graduation the program, Shepard was sent on a classified mission to Elysium to investigate yet another raid. When the Intel turned out to be expired, the crew’s lives were put in jeopardy. Shepard, having been separated by chance and a few rash choices, turned the mission around by single handedly fending off a Batarian attack and saving the rest of the squad. The mission resulted in several awards and consideration for the Eden Prime mission.

After taking command of the Normandy, Sansa handpicked an exceptional crew; however, many were lost, including Williams and Wrex. The lost of the freindly Krogan became a life changing experiance. From that moment on Sansa did what ever she could to better life for the Krogans. Motivated by her peace maker ways she traveled the universe, helping whoever she could while taking down Sovereign, the collector base and eventually the reapers themselves. Shepard is noted for saving the council, curing the Genophage and creating the powerful alliance between the Quarians and Geth.

After a heated argument on Horizon, Shepard decided to step back from her personal life and ended the short lived relationship she had established with the eventual fellow spectre Kaiden. The decision was finalized during the mission to Mars when Shepard discovered Alenko still had his doubts. It wasn’t long however, before she found a permanent relationship in a turian named Garrus who would later adopt a turian and human child in honor of his lover.

Many recall Shepard refusing praise for her accomplishments, giving her crew the credit or replying "I'm just a soldier". Admiral Hackett's dedication to Shepard was made famous when in his eulogy he quoted her last words.

"What do you need me to do?".

She's one of my fav "ocs": http://i.imgur.com/XOC9zG3.jpg

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