Who was your worst teacher? Why?

My AP English teacher my senior year of high school.

I have severe social anxiety and selective mutism. Diagnosed and documented since I was 4 years old. I was in therapy, soon to start medication again, and it was recommended that teachers provide me with alternatives for presentations and to not randomly call on me in class. This teacher refused to do anything that was recommended. He told me, my parents, and my very indignant therapist that if he forced me to do so I would get over it. He frequently insinuated that I just didn't want to do the work for the class, despite me crying through an in-class performance of a scene from Macbeth because I couldn't bear not getting a good grade. When it became such an issue that my parents took it to the guidance office and school principle, he just didn't show up to the meeting. I was so stressed and distraught from what was happening that I could barely sleep or eat or focus on anything. My semester avg. of a 4.0 dropped to a 2.8 and I almost considered dropping out to get a GED or attend an online school instead.

Luckily, my parents and therapist wouldn't stop standing up for me and he was forced to comply in my final semester. I was able to get my gpa back up and graduated with high honors.

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