The whole "crazy girlfriend" thing isn't cute, and it shows us yet another double standard in regards to males and females.

Yeah, the double standard is alive and well. And it's good that there aren't such men in your social media, but at the same time, we don't know what goes on behind closed doors. It would be silly & misandristic to assume that the men on your FB are secretly abusive, but it's still iportant to note that most abusers wouldn't flaunt the fact publicly, unless they're narcissists or God knows what else. The "I'll stab my boyfriend haha silly me1!1!1!" notion still needs to go though & be taken seriously. I assume it comes down to a need for authority and control? I hope they all pay a visit to a therapist because I can't see how anybody sane or in a good mental state would glamorize such thing.

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