The whole if “you stay with your parents past 18 you are a loser” needs to stop.

These days I don’t know how anybody around the age of 18 can even remotely survive on their own, rent is ~$1,100 everywhere, you’re lucky if you make barely over minimum wage at 18 and you don’t even have enough money to move out anyway.

My dad always told me it takes 5 years to get settled and really begin to put down roots and cultivate a life wherever you go or after moving out of the parents house, and he’s right.

I’m 23 now, I still live with my parents, I pay rent and I save whatever I can, I may make around 50k this year for the first time ever, that money will go towards a new house. I seriously can’t imagine doing that if I lived on my own in an overpriced apartment.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread