This whole thread is making my head spin.

At this point you're not even listening to me or considering what I'm saying, even any of us. We've been saying again and again Genesis is not the be all end all of Christianity. What makes Christianity Christianity is Christ. One might even say the whole story of Christ displays those exact same things you claim are solely dependent on Genesis: fall of man (sickness, wickedness, death), original/total sin (everyone around Christ abandons him to his fate), need for a Saviour (the mass of people who throng to Jesus for healing). Many Christians have come to faith knowing nothing about the book of Genesis until later. I wouldn't say their faith is less because of it, because what matters is Christ.

And humanity didn't stuff their relationship with God? There's no global agreement over who God is. Or perhaps you're arguing there's no relationship in the first place. If anything, even our relationships with each other are often confused and fraught with mistrust. What about our relationship with the world? What about global warming? Our treatment of animals? Of the environment?

And seriously, must I say it again and again? Myth is not just "Zeus makes rain" or "the Rainbow Serpent created the rivers", it's the slaying of Grendel, it's the Trojan Horse, it's a number of other things that aren't always meant to explain what goes on in the world as if it's a scientific textbook. They were never meant for that. And at the same time they're not stories just made up for the sake of being stories.

Honestly, you're reducing myths to being untrue things, but they're not. They're woven plots, they're timeless characters, if they're really good stories, they help you understand yourself and the world around you. Fairy tales address what their audience knows on a local scale, mythology addresses everything on a hyperglobal scale, it's not just made-up facts. Would you reduce modern novels to "it's all made up"?

Then so we shouldn't read the Iliad, or Beowulf, or Gilgamesh anymore because they were written for different audiences? On the contrary, there's all the more reason why we should read and try to understand these and the Bible and others, because they all have not only value for their audience, but timeless value. Why do you think people rave on about them?

That's even more true, I believe, for the Bible. You don't have to agree with me on this point.

That's it, I'm done. That's my last response.

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