So wholesome :)

Every country has its share of atrocities. Unfortunately Canada's are within living memory. It's imperative that we educate ourselves. It's even more important that we strive for a future the following generations can eventually thrive in. Don't forget the past, at the same time, when good things happen we must acknowledge them. The amount of praise Canada receives makes Canada into a cartoon. Stereotypes don't offer a proper representation of people. Every generation brings a new lot of people with wider access to information. The meme of Canada being an innocent country filled with friendly, donut sharing, give-you-the-shirt-off-their-backs definitely exists for a reason. I know so many people like that. Every country has people like that. You can let the meme ride, or if you'd like you could link sources for people to understand the history of Canada if you want to balance that out.

I'll admit, the stereotype makes me smile. It's cute. Reminds me of the salt of the earth people I keep around in my life. But that's exactly what it is: a stereotype.


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