Wholesome FromSoftware <3

Nobody has infinite resources. When a video base has bugs that's typically due to disorganization of the code case. If more changes are added without fixing the underlying you get what's knows as the lava flow anti-pattern in your code case: layers upon layers of poorly organized systems and the older systems are then difficult to fix because if the entrenched dependencies of the new systems.

There's a term known as "red, green, refactor." The system starts in a red state, where it literally crashes with exceptions. Then you get it into a working green state, typically with little hacks and short cuts because you never have a clean solution of a complex system on the first try. Then you refactor, you clean up the underlying code complexity. The code behaves the same during this refactor phase, but you're addressing the technical debt accrued through improperly aligned systems. You delete un-needed code. You clean up function interfaces.

My time in the industry, and their patch notes, gave me believing that they're going through the refactor phase now. Why do they go through that phase? So that the system is more changeable, so that these balancing changes you're crying for can be carried out without crashes and even more bugs.

/r/Eldenring Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it