Wholesome Reunion

Similar situation, but I could use some help.

I met my best friend online, and we have never met face to face. We met on PUBG(similar ortnite but less cartoony).

I am a transgender woman, pig famer.

She is a devout Muslim woman from Saudi Arabia who has taught herself to speak 4 languages fluently and 3 more partially.

We have talked nearly every day for going on 2 years.

We want to meet, but being in Saudi Arabia and married to a very strict husband, she cant leave. Nor can i go to Saudi as I am a transgender woman.

If anyone knows an organisation who can assist in helping her and her 6 year old son out of Saudi and seek Asylum in UK, I would be very thankful.

I have called many places but most wont touch it due to saudi government, but I know abused women are arriving in UK through an 'railroad' network from the middle east, but I cant find the organisation.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Link - i.redd.it