Whores & Daughters

listen I get that you're on some kind of anti-religion crusade and are incredibly close-minded, I only hope for you to one day read something which will change your mind or at least make you more open to differing points of view.

Literally, Galileo. Creationism. Climate change denial. The list goes on and on. Religion has proven time and again to stand in the way of scientific discovery. They are NOT COMPATIBLE.

you are simply in a state of denial right now. I have shown you with more links and examples than necessary that religion and science are in no way incompatible in principle, and that many religions are even actively involved in advancing scientific discovery. I would be surprised if you had actually my comment pertaining that, here is a link to it if you'd like to read it again. I have also made in that same comment the remark that American protestants are so utterly ridiculous in their positions (they are the only Christians that I know of that are young-earth creationists, climate change deniers, etc.) that I agree they are an evil cult which does much more harm than good.

Galileo wasn't persecuted for making a scientific discovery but rather for using his new-found fame as a platform on which he actively derided the Church and its teachings. Now, don't get me wrong, I do not agree with their actions at the time, but it would be akin to making a revolutionary scientific discovery today and then proclaiming on TV that it shows how feminism is completely wrong and that the races are not equal and that white men are better than other. Even if he wasright, his open defiance to the ruling ideology at the time was swiftly dealt with with the most common way of punishing dissent in those days, death (today the punishment would be different). A recent example of this would be the scientist who landed a rover on a comet, and was endlessly berated by feminists and forced to apologize to women because he wore a shirt with naked chicks on it. Had he not submitted he would have had worse consequences waiting for him. This is a constant throughout history, you do not openly challenge the default ideology without consequences. I recommend this very good essay on the subject : http://www.paulgraham.com/say.html

Yes, our society is founded on scientific truth. Engineering, medicine, technology.. All based on science. You know, tangible things. Things that matter.

Again, I think you are being intentionally dense because there is no way you can believe this. Our world is founded on so many myths, stories, legends, fables, LIES according to you, that I cannot believe someone would be so stupid as to not be aware of them. You don't tell a child his life in meaningless because everyone dies at the end, you tell him he should act like this and that and teach them using stories and fables. We teach people morals, give authority to institutions because of symbolism and legend. lol why do you think people care about what the media says? Anyway I won't say more because I know you're going to reply without even reading probably. Goodbye

/r/TheRedPill Thread