Who's the craziest teacher you've ever had? What did they do?

There was a really unpredictable asshole teaching English and Swedish who cursed (in an angry way, not relaxed) and enforced tight discipline.

In my friend’s first class with him (13 at the time) he dropped a stack of papers and the teacher yelled out “What the fuck are you doing?”. That kind of set the tone for the rest of the semester.

He also kept this rule that if you were late you’d be forced to stand in front of the class and depending on his mood, either tell the truth on why you were late or come up with a lie. I know this was funny to some students but it was really difficult for me. Came to the point where I would rather not show up than show up late. As a socially anxious teen with (then undiagnosed) Asperger’s, he made those years quite a lot worse. His grading was mostly based on how vocally active you were in his class and I always had trouble with that part (especially in front of him). I ended up changing to another teacher, but apparently he told my old class I “was a traitor”.

/r/AskReddit Thread