Who's the one guy at your locals everybody hates? Why?

He smells, really bad, it’s gotten to the point where people actively avoid the shop because he might be there. He gives bad advice on every game, regardless of if you didn’t ask for it or not. he’ll come over and start loudly telling you what you should do with the solemn warning you just drew, he doesn’t even play yugi anymore and he keeps telling people how they should build decks. His fingers are permanently greasy and dirty, like you’ll know exactly where he was holding your cards because the sleeve will be smudged. Every now and then he’ll take a card out of the sleeve “because he can’t read the effect” and you’ll be in the middle of a duel and unable to save your expensive bubbleman from his filth encrusted fingers. He also picks his nose and eats it, in store and stares creepily at any girls that enter He doesn’t wear a belt or pants that fit him, so his pants are constantly slipping down, not because he lost weight or anything, but because he thinks baggy pants are gangster. He has threatened other players. Most of the older players laughed at him but the younger ones actually were scared of him, mostly because he showed them a knife he kept in his bag. He spent all his money at the store which was the only reason he was allowed in. It went towards the obscure fan service manga the store stocked (literally just for him and two others because they spent so much money on it) and random stuff.

The last time he played yugi he punched another player because he was losing and he was finally banned.....for a few months

Our lgs is/was/will be a mess, but it was borderline traumatic with him in it.

/r/yugioh Thread