
The only standing ground F2P and P2P have in KR is RNG and grinding. This bypasses the RNG factor, where usually people minimally us 3-4 UW to get a 2* but I’ve heard horror stories of 5-6 for 2* Grinding in general becomes easier the longer you play and so everyone will eventually plateau, I realize if you’re a whale you just get there faster- but this just opens a new can of worms of what they’ll allow if you just have $$$$.

Though realizing it now, it takes 1k$ to get this package unless my math is wrong, it’s 10$ for just 1 Lua token (correct me if I’m wrong) if they even tried to issue a 5*UW they would have to maybe triple the price or more Though it’s still sorely advised to even think of that idea

/r/Kings_Raid Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it