WIBTA to ask my roommate to stop using our bathroom?

I don't have the lease agreement as this is a family friends house and he didn't make one for me but we do have rules which is why I am asking my landlord if this is part of the agreement.

I'll repeating what I said for the other comment: My floor is 2 men (me and roommate) and share kitchen and bathroom.

Upstairs is 2 women, but one girl has an apartment style room with her own bathroom and kitchen. So the washroom on the other girl's floor (the one using our bathroom) is hers upstairs as she isn't sharing with the other girl.

How this affects me is that this is gross. She has her own washroom so why is she using ours? She does it when no one is on our floor but I know because that is when I sleep early for work so my lights are off and quiet. She also has been using my facial cleanser to wash her hands and the bottle looks like handsoap.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent