WIBTA for breaking smoke/vape-free outdoor bylaws as a medical marijuana user?

Ok yes but if I'm not allowed to medicate in public that means I lose access to any public outdoor spaces? I try to medicate before leaving the house but my symptoms often come on hard and fast with now warning. I've done research on second hand marijuana smoke and there's no data to show its harmful. But I've also gotten a lot of dirty looks and comments the few times I smoked in public so honestly I don't know what to do anymore. How am I supposed to live a life outside my home if I'm not allowed to use my medication? If I can't medicate when I'm in medical distress and my symptoms are unpredictable I basically can never leave my house. I'm kind of at my wits end, I don't want to be an asshole but I also don't want to give up leaving my house

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