WIBTA for leaving my ttrpg group for not including LGBT characters?

As I said, i do give it a go. I might have exaggerated a bit for the sake of the argument, but I do use queer NPCs from time to time in my games. It doesn't come as naturally to me, but it not really hard to do. My point was that if you have to do it for the first time, some people might have to break through the initial ankwardness.

We all have our own bubbles, it's only natural. We tend to pay attention to what is relevant to our own lives. I am not being defensive of the fact that some people can find it hard to include these topics into their games. I wholeheartedly agree that we should, and it shouldn't be hard to do. But it sometimes, to some people, it is, in the beginning. And pretending it's not and chastising them for it won't get us anywhere.

Also, I don't watch tv. Any. I don't own a tv, and never have. Didn't know about that series. I googled it, now I know.

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