WIBTA for telling a guy I've been seeing to maintain better personal hygiene?

Update: he's texting me wanting to know why I was so stand-offish today. WIBTA for talking to him about this over text? I think he would feel less embarrassed over text. Below is what I would say if I do tell him over text.

Okay so the reason I wanted to do this over text is because, honestly it's going to be awkward for both of us, if it were in person I'd be too uncomfortable, and I dont really think talking in person about it would be beneficial. I care about you a lot, and I love spending time with you, so please dont take this the wrong way. You know I value personal hygiene, like I'm not a germaphobe, but still. Certain habits of yours make me uncomfortable. Like I feel uncomfortable if I dont have a chance to brush my own teeth, so if I'm kissing you and you havent it can make me a little uneasy, and I dont really like dirt so if we're cuddling and you've been walking barefoot I get dirt on my clothes, and I guess I'm a little weird about that, or if we've both been sweaty outside I'm going to feel weird about cuddling. I'm really not saying this to be mean or embarrass you, I just think it needs to be addressed. I hope if I'm doing something that bothers you that you will let me know.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread