WIBTA If I Attend A Wedding And My Pregnancy Is Announced Because I Will Not Be Drinking?

Light YWBTA, but what everyone else is saying is a great idea. Antibiotics, if they ask for a bad UTI. Most people won’t want to question something like that. And a simple google search will give you more info about bad UTIs, if you’ve never had one before and for some reason someone is questioning it. People have suggested certain antibiotics to say you’re taking, I personally know nothing about different types of antibiotics but being able to say “I’m taking X” and x being an antibiotic that is known you can’t drink with, you’ll be fine. I completely understand not wanting to reveal the pregnancy until you’re further along. I don’t think you should tell people before the wedding either. Best of luck and have a good time at the wedding!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread