WIBTA if I didn't want my bf to make new gay friends?

YTA, if you can't trust your boyfriend when he's given you no reason not to trust him then you're the one with a problem. It's the same thinking as a hetero couple not wanting their partner to talk to people of the other sex.

Telling someone not to make gay friends is ridiculous, only being allowed to choose friends of a specific sexuality is ridiculously controlling.

When you say why does he need gay friends, I can imagine there are certain points in life that only other gay people can understand. I, as a straight man, have never had to come out, I've never faced homophobia, I cannot relate to a gay man's life. If your partner was to make friends with me he wouldn't be able to properly talk about and share those experiences because as much as I may try to understand, I can never relate.

If you go down this path I think you will regret it. Trust until you have a reason not to or the relationship won't work

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread