WIBTA if I go to HR over Jesus propaganda at work?

I’d say NAH as unpopular as that may seem, but someone who’s born and raised from the buckle of the Bible Belt (Nashville TN) let me explain. I was raised episcopal, but my parents didn’t push their beliefs on me and told me it’s totally fine to believe in something else (I consider myself a deist now). All the while the kids growing up around me did the slutty/druggy young life stuff (not judging), were super judgmental fundamentalists, or religious minorities. After having many arguments with all said party’s, these people genuinely believe that losing your soul to damnation in hell is the same as being stuck on a balcony in an apartment fire and the Bible is your fire department. And while I categorically disagree with them on this, they do genuinely believe they’re doing good. A lot of religious studies do not teach independent thought, and respect blind obedience overall. so when you have a culture so deeply religious you end up with this, and I would be annoyed just as you would in this situation. Religion isn’t for the workplace, but some people have had it SO engrained that nothing holds precedence over them serving the lord to save souls. How I see it is, yea this lady was being annoying and you have right to be pissed, but I think her intentions were genuine. If it’s a constant issue I’d report it to HR, if it was a one time deal I wouldn’t make myself the office pariah even if it I’m in the right. But also sounds like you’ve sorta made your choice, and just need validation for it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread