WIBTA if I informed my sister's boyfriend's parents about their "nightly exchanges"?

ask for a new room and if they ask why, tell them to ask sister/bf

there, now she doesnt have to have the conversation

tattling? really? dude thats insanely fucking creepy and gross to be fucking while your sibling is in the room, and even more disgusting to continue after being told twice to cut the shit out. had it been the first time she woke up and told them to cut the shit, yeah i'd agree it would be a little too far to go to get others involved. but theyve now indirectly told her to go fuck herself twice, arent taking anything she asks them into consideration. maybe you're just as much as a pansy pussy pushover as the others in this thread and avoid social interaction like the plague because of your deeply seeded introverted personality traits, but encouraging OP to be as pussy as you is enabling this shit to go on because they clearly dont plan on stopping. how many times would YOU ask them before you decide to do something, if you even would? no problem with people fucking, but if youre fucking while im in the room, especially if one is related to me, thats fucked up and scarring, even if I can hear it a room over I'd let it slide and just stick my earphones in but to treat this like it's some "tattle telling first grader" case is about as appalling as the story itself

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent