WIBTA if I started calling my white coworkers by random 'white' names?

ESH - Your coworkers suck, but your plan of retaliation will not get the effects you desire.

I am really sorry you are dealing with this.

I'm white and have a normal-ass-top-5-white-person name and get called variations of it all the time. On the other hand, I have a coworker with a very difficult to pronounce name, but we all learned it within a day or two of her being there. It is basic respect to learn your coworkers names correctly. Whenever I hear a coworker pronounce someone's name incorrectly, I correct them so that they can learn.

I am very frustrated that after a year, your coworkers never bothered to get to know your real name, that sounds like a terrible workplace. It does sound racially motivated too, which is horrendous. I would be fuming mad at this point and be screaming at every person that messed up my name.

I really believe that at this point it is an HR problem. It is not a tiny thing. Your coworkers are not giving you the basic respect of knowing your name. You deserve either to have it cleared up by HR or to find another workplace that is less toxic.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread