WIBTA if I told my parents that unless they get my sister into therapy I am pressing charges?

Going against the grain here but I think ESH...

Kinda seems like you instigated it to me.

I've been around bipolar people for years. My mother was bipolar.

The energy you pump into a situation has no escape. It builds and builds. You need to be a master in de-escalating situations.

You started off the situation tense. When your "authority" was challenged you started to make ultimatums. You escalated into physical acts.

It seems to me that you should have brought this to the attention of your mother the moment she said "no" to cleaning, instead of starting an escalating argument over it.

You seem to want to treat this person as if she's 100% not bipolar, to the point of escalating situations with them as if they're not bipolar. Well, they are bipolar. Untreated at that. You can keep poking the bear or you can handle things differently. The energy you pump into these situations does not fade the way it does in a normal person.


If you wave the "therapy" card around pubicly in your house, you're shaming this person and they will never seek help. I get the vibe that may be happening here, like your authority was challenged and now you're demanding therapy through an ultimatum. That's not how you get people help.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread