WIBTA if I told my friend that I have several nude photos of his girlfriend in my phone?

YTA. To be clear, regardless of what happened to her in high school....YTA. But...

1) Photos don’t equal sex. You don’t think it’s possible she was talked into sending a photo, it was shared and she was traumatized and avoided further sexual activity.

2) Your friend could know all of this and not be telling you because ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

3) You didn’t have these photos before. They are from her in high school. Congratulations there’s about an 85% chance you solicited pornography of a minor. You are disgusting for requesting these photos no matter her age.

4) She was a victim and you’re trying to revictimize her. I repeat, you’re disgusting.

This is none of your business. Delete the photos, shut your mouth, and allow your friend his happiness.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread