WIBTA MIL teaching my daughter to be rude

ESH - a little bit. I’m not quite sure what judgement to put. I kind of see where you’re coming from - it’s great for your child to learn that they have their own voice and can make some of their own decisions. But what your MIL is doing is also great for her language. She’s commenting directly on what your child is doing (in some instances) and providing the language for your child’s actions (using specific language like “open” “door” and “grandpa”. I really don’t think that she’s intending for it to be rude, and I certainly think you’re overreacting to an extent. Let your MIL know that what’s she’s doing is great, but to introduce more polite, yet non specific language (like please and thank you). I definitely think you should take a step back and take a deep breath tho.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread