Wife (33F) caused me (35M) to lose one of my best friends, and I can’t seem to let it go.

Thank you very much for the reply, especially as it comes from a deeply personal place.

I always resented the ‘work husband/wife’ terms and still do. She used them in jest a few times, but I never felt comfortable using the same words back. It implied something more to me than what was there/appropriate. Would things have puttered out eventually anyways as friends? Probably. I can’t deny that. I just have fond memories I’ll never be able to remove. For example, I’ll always remember when my now-wife messaged me first on OkCupid. We were on shift and driving around and I said I got a message and a ‘Like’ - she pulled over the truck and demanded I reply to her right then and there or else my ass would be walking back to the base. Probably figured I’d be too chicken or wouldn’t reply otherwise lol.

I’ve subconsciously made a note to either be incredibly clear about every interaction or message with a female coworker since, and frankly haven’t felt any desire to open myself up to anyone outside of standard pleasantries. This post is actually the first time, entirely, I’ve shared that above memory.

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