Wife and daughter of French Governer-General Paul Doumer throwing small coins and grains in front of children in French Indochina (today Vietnam), filmed in 1900 by Gabriel Veyre (AI enhanced)

I mention your point about the piñata and this video, because you’re stripping down the video into its most basics components in order to make the comparison between the two happen and make your point.

The reduction of this video into someone giving kids something to pick up, is grossly misleading and negligent, especially if you were in agreement with the evil ideology and relatively powerful background that influenced this sort of behavior, and hence had the same disturbed reaction as most of us.

Like I said, the piñata reference just isn’t comparable because there is no power dynamic or wrongful ideological context to surround it. You see many people comparing this video to feeding bread crumbs to animals, because they’re comparing the ideology and power dynamics surrounding the similar action of ‘giving something to pick’. In that sense, I’d say the comparison is a lot more justifiable.

Now, whether we argue that she had the ability to distinguish whether her ideology and actions were good or not, and similar to that of feeding bread to ducks, seems aside the point. Stripping away those key components to prove she’s not evil provokes the wrong message and priorities.

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