Wife wants to become a Linux SysAd but has no technical experience or computer science background. Where should she start?

My issue is that you started off by making a comment about the quality of my relationship I have with my wife.

no, i didn't. but here it is: you are extremely defensive for a guy whose relationship is going well. see you in /r/relationships.

Second, I'm looking for advice on how to approach the material but only wanting what is relevant.

I gave you multiple paragraphs which you ignored. so i deleted them, because i hope you fail.

Offering opinions on whether or not you think it's a good idea or not isn't really on topic.

my advice is you teaching her is potentially a bad idea. i explicitly said i don't know about your relationship, but the more you talk, the more evident that becomes.

Just pare out the Windows material, focus only on the Linux side, and then the Windows material can come second, if necessary. It's the same motions that people go through getting into IT, just reversed for Windows/Linux.

i didn't recommend anything to do with Windows. get a fucking grip.

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