Wife's (30f) company wants to send her on a vacation for her hard work... Not sure how I feel (34m).

I wasn't at the wedding in Cancun. The reason I know about the Cancun situation is because when she came back she was acting distant. I snooped through her phone like a piece of crap and I found messages to her closest friend (the person she went to the wedding with) talking about how she had thought about leaving me and wished she would have worked up the courage to talk to that guy because maybe it was a sign. With the stuff she was going through with her mother's death and my illness, I can somewhat understand how messed up her head could have been.


The trip is most definitely real though. I was with her when it popped up as a group message in her Slack from her VP. I'm also friends with a few people she works with (one of whom is PISSED he doesn't get to go). They did this trip last year too, but last year it was only for the Salesman. This year they decided to add three people from Customer Success at the last minute. My wife feels it was either to make it seem less sexist (all the salemen are male) or to get out of having to pay a cash bonus.

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