Wikileaks Exposes traitorous "reporters" on Hillary Clinton's Payroll

Fucking finally thank you. I swear ever since the election we have attracted shills from t_d who think this is a Clinton bashing sub. We don't do it to JUST Soros and the Clintons we do it to EVERYONE in power. We need to get our priorities straight and not play favorites. Why don't we ever have conspiracies about Trumps conflict of interests when it comes to his business'. What about the possibility that Trump is committing horrendous crimes with other elites such as rape or possibly even murder. What ever happened to us questioning the RICH. It's always been about money and power and we letting some RICH POWERFUL DUDE off the hook because he says he's an "outsider". And we believe him because other rich and powerful people don't like him. For them this is all a game. Here we are not looking at the facts in front of us. Left or right it doesn't matter its all the same. Its a ruse. A distraction. A literal storyline they have planned out. A narrative with a clearly defined villain and hero. Who's side of the narrative you're on doesn't matter.

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