Wikipedia defines a philosophy of life “as a personal philosophy, whose focus is resolving the existential questions about the human condition”. What is your personal philosophy of life?

I go about life promoting and creating fun and beautiful experiences. My approach to parts of the world I hate is to just remove myself from them as much as I can. I believe in making my little bubble as much to my liking as I am capable of, and I share it with those who also enjoy what I enjoy who cross my path.

I am not a radical change the world kind of person. My approach to change is gradual and depends entirely on people voluntarily shifting how they act and spend their time. I value my own life and won't sacrifice it to try to make a drop in the bucket regarding fixing big atrocities.

I find a lot of meaning in art and beauty, so I participate in many forms of creative expression. I love to see beautiful things other beings create and help the creators to see how wonderful they are.

I enjoy games and a friendly competitive spirit. It is fun to win, and with friendly competition, everyone who participates improves on their former self.

I do not do boredom, laziness, or self hate. There are so many delightful activities that I am motivated to participate in. I find joy in not only progress but also in repitition and ritual. Loving myself helps me to be a person I do objectively admire, and because I have taken action to be what I love, I love myself naturally. It's a great feedback loop.

/r/AskWomen Thread